Thursday, March 17, 2011

Grocery Saving Day

Caia and Allie had their semi-annual dental check ups this morning. After dropping them off at school, Lizzie and I ventured to a few stores.
At Kroger we got all of this....
..... for $5.
Lizzie helped count the 20 boxes of pasta and 8 cans of tomatoes (all were free after coupons and store sales).

At Meijer we found Chiquita Minis on sale, which were just the right size for little Lizzie

She enjoyed one of her "naners" while waiting for Caia and Allie's bus.  

What a beautiful day! We opened up the windows in the house and enjoyed some fresh air.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Crazy Coupon Lady

Recently I've taken on a new hobby of couponing- and it's addictive!
Last month I had my first balance due $0 shopping trip, and I'll have another this week! It takes a lot of time, but it's fun and totally worth it.
I'm couponing today- checking store ads, surfing the couponing sites I follow, and printing coupons.
My favorite couponing site:
Happy couponing!!!